158 research outputs found

    The Prospect of Neutron Scattering in the 21st Century: a Powerful Tool for Materials Research

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    Over the last 60 years research reactors (RRs) have played an important role in technological and socio-economical development of mankind, such as radioisotope production for medicine, industry, research and education. Neutron scattering has been widely used for research and development in materials science. The prospect of neutron scattering as a powerful tool for materials research is increasing in the 21st century. This can be seen from the investment of several new neutron sources all over the world such as the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in USA, the Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (JPARC) in Japan, the new OPAL Reactor in Australia, and some upgrading to the existing sources at ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; Institute of Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France and Berlin Reactor, Germany. Developing countries with moderate flux research reactor have also been involved in this technique, such as India, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor in Serpong, Indonesia that also produces thermal neutron has contributed to the research and development in the Asia Pacific Region. However, the International joint research among those countries plays an important role on optimizing the results

    The Prospect of Neutron Scattering In the 21st Century: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research

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    Over the last 60 years research reactors (RRs) have played an important role in technological and socio-economical development of mankind, such as radioisotope production for medicine, industry, research and education. Neutron scattering has been widely used for research and development in materials science. The prospect of neutron scattering as a powerful tool for materials research is increasing in the 21st century. This can be seen from the investment of several new neutron sources all over the world such as the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in USA, the Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (JPARC) in Japan, the new OPAL Reactor in Australia, and some upgrading to the existing sources at ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; Institute of Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France and Berlin Reactor, Germany. Developing countries with moderate flux research reactor have also been involved in this technique, such as India, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor in Serpong, Indonesia that also produces thermal neutron has contributed to the research and development in the Asia Pacific Region. However, the international joint research among those countries plays an important role on optimizing the results

    Analisa Angkutan Sedimen di Sungai Jawi Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    Meningkatnya aktifitas manusia di Sungai Jawi Kecamatan Sungai Kakap memberikan pengaruh terhadap ekosistem perairan seperti limbah domestik, pertanian dan perkebunan.Hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya pengikisan tanahsebagai dampaknya jumlah sedimen di dalam sungai bertambah dan menyebabkan pendangkalan dibeberapa tempat terutama di Parit Haruna (hulu), Alsintan (tengah), dan PDAM/Puskesmas (hilir).Analisa angkutan sedimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya angkutan sedimen (Suspended Load dan Bed Load) dan sedimen total (Total Load) yang dipengaruhi pasang surut dan tingkat besarnya angkutan sedimen dari tertinggi hingga terendah.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan data primer berupa data hidrometri (pengukuran lebar, kedalaman, kecepatan aliran, suhu), perhitungan debit, dan pengambilan sampel air. Penelitian dilakukan pada kondisi pasang surut selama 24 jam interval waktu pengukuran per 2 jam. Analisa angkutan sedimen melayang dihitung dari hubungan antara hasil perkalian konsentasi sedimen layang dan debit aliran. Sedangkan untuk analisa sedimen dasar menggunakan Tabel ‘Strand dan Pemberton\u27.Hasil analisa menunjukkan besarnya angkutan sedimensecara keseluruhan didapatkan dengan menjumlahkan sedimen layang dan sedimen dasar dan didapat sedimen total (Total Load)di Parit Haruna kondisi pasang 276,73Kg/hari, kondisi surut 518,79 Kg/hari,di Alsintan kondisi pasang806,75Kg/hari, kondisi surut 1.282,33 Kg/hari, dan di PDAM/Puskesmas kondisi pasang 2.229,09Kg/hari, kondisi surut 4.716,60Kg/hari.Pasokan sedimen perhari yang dipengaruhi pasang surut, dihasilkan dalam sedimen total harian di ParitHaruna sebesar 242,06Kg/hari, di Alsintansebesar 475,58Kg/haridan di PDAM/Puskesmassebesar 2.487,50Kg/hari. Tingkat besarnya angkutansedimen tertinggiadalah beradadi PDAM/Puskesmas, rendahdi Alsintan dan terendahdi Parit Haruna

    Potensi Parasitoid Telur dalam Mengendalikan Wereng Batang Cokelat (Nilaparvata Lugens Stal.) Pasca Ledakan Populasi di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    This study aims to determine the type and potency of egg parasitoid in controlling brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) pests in Banyumas regency after the pest's explosion. This research has been conducted in five districts of the endemic area of brown planthopper in Banyumas Regency, i.e. in Jatilawang, Cilongok, Kebasen, Sumpiuh, and Kembaran. Each of the districts was taken 5 sample villages. The testing and calculation of the level of parasitization were done in the laboratory of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto. The research used nest plot design, where the first factor was the district and the second factor was the village. Village nested in district. The data were analyzed using F 5% test, followed by 5% DMRT, if there were any differences found . The results of the study were as follows: (1) The parasitoids found in Banyumas Regency were Gonatocerus sp. and Oligosita sp. with the ability to parasite 26.8−64.73%, and 1.82−31.40%; (2) the presence parasitoid has the potency to suppress the intensity of brown planthopper attack on the vegetative phase, the intensity of attacks ranged between 6.96−23.58%, with brown planthopper population ranged from 0.84 to 27.36 individuals per hill. IntisariPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan potensi parasitoid telur dalam mengendalikan hama wereng batang coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) di Kabupaten Banyumas pasca terjadinya ledakan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lima kecamatan daerah endemik wereng batang cokelat di wilayah Kabupaten Banyumas yaitu Kecamatan Jatilawang, Cilongok, Kebasen, Sumpiuh, Kembaran. Masing-masing kecamatan diambil 5 desa sampel. Pengujian dan penghitungan tingkat pemarasitan dilakukan di laboratorium Perlindungan Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan petak tersarang, dengan kecamatan sebagai faktor pertama dan desa sebagai faktor kedua. Desa tersarang pada kecamatan. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji F 5%, apabila ada perbedaan dilanjutkan dengan uji banding ganda DMRT 5 %. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Parasitoid yang ditemukan di Kabupaten Banyumas adalah Gonatocerus sp. dan Oligosita sp. dengan kemampuan memarasit 26,8−64,73%, dan sebesar 1,82−31,40 %, (2) keberadaan parasitoid berpotensi menekan intensitas serangan hama wereng batang cokelat pada fase vegetatif, intensitas serangan berkisar antara 6,96−23,58%, dengan populasi wereng batang cokelat berkisar 0,84−27,36 individu per rumpun

    Characterization And Electrochemistry Of Life Po4 Synthesized By Sonication Hydrothermal Methods

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    CHARACTERIZATION AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY OF LiFePO4 BY SONICATION HYDROTHERMAL METHODS. Cathode materials of LiFePO4 for rechargeable-lithium ion battery were synthesized by combination of sonication and hydrothermal method. The reaction has been carried out by mixing of FeSO4.7H2O, H3PO4, LiOH and ethylene glycol. The mixtures were sonicated by ultrasonic prior to a hydrothermal process. The crystal structure, microstructure and electrical properties of LiFePO4 products were characterized by usingX-ray diffraction (XRD), a Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM), and an Impedance Spectroscopy, respectively. The X-ray data showed that the crystal structure of LiFePO4 belongs to the P m n a space group (olivine structure). The crystalline size of sample non-sonic, sonic and commercial LiFePO4 were 730.2; 3068.0 and 639.4 Å, respectively. Performances of half cell batteries were measured by Impedance spectroscopy and by using Battery Analyzer BST-8.The EIS data from half cell batteries of nonsonic, sonic and commercial LiFePO4 were 269.92; 149.85 and 106.2 Ω, respectively. Meanwhile, the specific capacities at 0.1C of non-sonic, sonic and commercial LiFePO4 were 98.70; 120.17 and 125.23 mAh/g, respectively.As confirmed by SEMimage, the particle distribution of sonic-LiFePO4 were more homogenous, and had properties similar to the commercial ones. It is concluded that the sonication procedure carried out prior to hydrothermal has improved performance of the lithium ion battery

    Analisis Struktur Kristal Napo3 pada Superionik Komposit (Agi)0,5 (Napo3)0,5 dengan Metode Rietveld

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    ANALISIS STRUKTUR KRISTAL NaPO3 PADA SUPERIONIK KOMPOSIT (AgI)0,5 (NaPO3)0,5 DENGAN METODE RIETVELD. Telah berhasil disintesis bahan baru superionik komposit (AgI)0,5 (NaPO3)0,5, melalui metode pendinginan cepat. Pengukuran struktur kristal dilakukan menggunakan Difraktometer Sinar-X di Departemen Fisika Universitas Ibaraki, Jepang. Profil pola difraksi Sinar-x bahan baru tersebut memperlihatkan beberapa puncak Bragg menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan kristal presipitat (NaPO3 )n dan kristal -AgI. Analisis struktur kristal dengan metode Rietveld pada fasa natrium meta-fosfat (NaPO3 )n dan fasa -AgI, telah dilakukan. Hasil refinement masing-masing fasa menunjukkan bahwa struktur kristal presipitat tersebut teridentifikasi dari campuran fasa natrium meta-fosfat (NaPO3)n, simetri grup ruang I41/a No.88, tetragonal, parameter kisi a = b = 13,32(3)Å dan c = 6,22(3) Å dan fasa γ-AgI simetri grup ruang F-43m No 216, FCC dengan parameter kisi a = 6,49(3). Tiga puncak kuat pada refleksi hk0 dengan intensitas tinggi berasal dari presipitat (NaPO3)n terletak pada sudut 2θ = 19,144o bidang (220), 2θ = 26,009o, bidang (400) dan 2θ = 30,45o bidang (420). Hasil difraksi ini menunjukkan bahwa presipitat tersebut, benar-benar presipitat dari kristal NaPO3 bukan amorf. Sedangkan puncak lainnya merupakan puncak fasa γ-AgI pada sudut 2 = 39,183o bidang (220) yang berimpit dengan puncak presipitat (NaPO3)n, pada sudut 2 = 38,783o bidang (251). Satu puncak tunggal dengan intensitas tinggi, terletak pada sudut 2θ = 23,690o bidang (111) adalah milik fasa γ-AgI. Beberapa puncak Bragg yang muncul teridentifikasi berasal dari struktur kristal presipitat NaPO3 dan fasa γ-AgI
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